MCP4725 模块 I2C DAC 开发板
MCP4725 是具有非易失性存储器(EEPROM)的单通道12 位缓冲电压输出DAC。 用户可将配置寄存器位(2位)和DAC输入数据(12位)存储到非易失性EEPROM(14 位)存储器中。通过设置配置寄存器位可以把 DAC 配置成正常模式或节省功耗的关断模式。 器件可以使用 2 线 I2C 兼容串行接口,且由电压范围为2.7V 至 5.5V 的单电源供电
Description: You’ve always wanted to output analog voltages from a microcontroller, the MCP4725 is the DAC that will let you do it! The CJMCU-MCP4725 is an I2C controlled Digital-to-Analog converter (DAC). A DAC allows you to send analog signal, such as a sine wave, from a digital source, such as the I2C interface on the Arduino microcontroller. Digital to analog converters are great for sound generation, musical instruments, and many other creative projects!
This version of the CJMCU-MCP4725 Breakout fixes a few issues with the board including the IC footprint, the I2C pinout, changes the overall board dimensions to better fit your projects, and a few more minor tweaks. This board breaks out each pin you will need to access and use the MCP4725 including GND and Signal OUT pins for connecting to an oscilloscope or any other device you need to hook up to the board. Also on board are SCL, SDA, VCC, and another GND for your basic I2C pinout. Additionally, if you are looking to have more than one MCP4725 on a bus, the pull-up resistors on this board can be disabled just check the Hookup Guide in the Documents section below for instructions and tips on doing this.
•12-bit resolution
•I2C Interface (Standard, Fast, and High-Speed supported)
•Small package
•2.7V to 5.5V supply
•Internal EEPROM to store settings